The last British Neanderthals? Catastrophism and Cave Men Cave Men in Historic Times Miscellaneous
Was there a Gap? The Flood               Chronology of  Neolithic  Man Creation to the Romans



FROM CREATION AND THE ICE AGE TO THE ROMANS:                                        

The Guildhall history of Britain and Ireland

Chapter 1


The stone circles of stone henge and Avebury were probably started about 1484 BC
and finished by the dynasty started by Brutus and the ancient Britons. I
would like us to turn now to the Mesolithic colony of the formores of whom
it is said that a battle was fought between them and the people of Partholan
and that all the bodies remained unburied and Partholan died  30 years later
after he landed in Ireland in 1454stoTSubject:      BC so the annals tell
us. Mr. Donald A McKenzie tells us in his "Ancient man in Britain " that the
hunter gatherers used to raid the farm steads of the agriculturalists or the
Neolithic industry people so this is true of the formores who frequented
lakes and river banks or lived a long the seashore by fishing; but in any
event they were hunter gatherers. The Paleolithic industry people probably
kept to remote forests and caves (if any were to be found) further in land
while the Neolithic people inhabited the chalk downs of Britain and Windmill
hill. There are a lot of remains found in the causewayed camps and in outer
ditches of their farmsteads &c and they used barbed flint arrow heads of
polished flint while the Mesolithic people used what are called microliths
and indeed some have been found in the vicinity of stone henge. There are
abundant flint axes found in Ireland and notably Tory Island of Mesolithic
origin which was the power base of the formores who could well have been of
"AZilian culture, and the combined industries of the Mesolithic industry
were the combined  Maglemosian/Tardenoisian/Azilian combined industries. It
will help us to relate to our sources here.  The people of Japheth are
related to in ancient Assyrian documents for the people of Ashkenaz from the
7th century BC; (Bill Cooper: "After the flood" page 205). "The people of
Mesheck has been deduced from inscriptions from the 7th to the 13th
centuries BC; so this is information from distant contemporaries. It will be
shown in our next chapter on the bronze and iron ages that the Mesolithic
industry people persisted right into the British and Irish bronze ages.    

Footnote 1: Neolithic and Chalcolithic contemporary industries (From an email to Larry Pierce)
 Dear Larry I found something interesting with regard to the above
subject. And I would like to recommend this page to you as it makes
interesting reading. If you have a slow dialing modem on your pc then why
not go to your local library and book on to a pc and click on and you will
find the relevant info on page 2 of 15 which says the indo european
migration of ca 1500 BC had a primitive metal technology before they came to
Europe which for our purposes would be 1484 BCand am 2520. The idea that the
copper age so called came after the neolithic here in these islands is false
because copper and stone age tools have been found in the tooms and burial
mounds of these peoples and the author of the webpage insists that the two
industries overlapped at the same time and it is interesting to note that
when they came to Britain and Ireland they also prospected for gold and even
silver as well as amber. I also suggest that the neanderthal were
contemporary with the indo european migration at the same time. It seems
that the so called neolithic is the stumbling block here and people don't
realise that the chalcolithic (copper industry) flowered at the same time as
the neolithic industry so it was chalcolithic and "neolithic " at the same
time. If you can go to your library Larry and read this page I know it will
interest you. John

Footnote 2
As has been said before the people of Partholan and associated British
neolithic industries also had the copper industry ;and further to our
enquiry according to Mr Donald A Macenzy; gold ; copper ; tin ; lead &c
have been found in the glacial drift in the orkneys plus also flint and
quarts. It also has to be borne in mind in this connection that there are
flint mines notably at Grimes Graves in Norfolk and that this is the place
where the neolithic industry people obtained their flint. While the
chalcolithic flowered with the beginning of the neolithic epoch in 1484 BC;
it also has to be borne in mind in this connection that while it was late
neolithic in the sense that everyone was using flint tools such as the
peasantry for example and flints of typical neolithic polished finish it
could have been and this author insists here was late bronze age at the same
time.   (Bronze and Iron) It has also to be said here that the beginning of
the iron age flowered with the beginning of the bronze age in this
connection that it was'nt the iron industry or age properly speaking until
swords and weopons were made of iron although when the bronze industry was
introduced iron was used for certain things and weopons were made of bronze.
Now while that this is the case it has to be said here that the so called
ages of bronze and iron overlap. When Iron was used for swords spears and
weopons it also has to be said that the Halstatt celts also introduced
enamel working at the same time so in a nutshell it was the Bronze , Iron
and Enamel industries for which the British celt is famous in this connection
especially enamel working. JohnHXF Author


Chapter 2:   The Bronze and Iron industries.

We will now have a look at the bronze and iron industries of Britain and Ireland.  
First though a note on the Paleolithic industries whose tools and weapons were 
of unpolished flint and some of better quality than others which were flaked as in the
upper Paleolithic of the Cro-Magnon who along side that of Neanderthal were
responsible for many of the cave paintings and it is possible and there is
indeed evidence that they may have been associated with some of the
megaliths. The ice age and dispersion happened in 2242 BC according to Larry
Pierce with the division in the days or birth of Peleg in 2247 BC. However
the ice age glaciers began to melt shortly after am 2520 or 1484 BC. It
should however be noted that according to Bill Cooper page 251 and 252
"After the flood that the ice age could have lasted 1000 years and a bit
more; but we can safely say that this happened when our next colony who
were the nemedians came to Ireland in annomundi 2859 or 1145 BC and they are
credited with building certain types of defenses and a certain method of
clearing the land for a particular method of cultivation and introduced on
Ireland according to Charles S Kimball the Bronze industry as can be
evidenced by their remains from burial mounds such as new grange in Ireland.
There were also in Ireland lakes that broke out and this was the course of
melting glaciers of the ice age. On Britain Our fist colonist Brutus led the
ancient Britons and they landed in Tones in Devon. This  dynasty according
to Mr. Charles S Kimball was responsible for the start of the bronze
industry; but they according to the annals of Britain had to expel an
indigenous number or remnant of giants most probably Formores who according
to Mr. Kimball were the last Neanderthals in Europe; but they probably came
with the Neolithic colony at the same time as the formores in Ireland in
1484 BC. References will be sighted at the end of this chapter. The
Neolithic colony on Britain lasted for 380 years from 1484 to 1104 BC or AM
2900 (Brutus). I am going to suggest here that Brutus founded London and
propose that the Vauxhall wooden bridge across the Thames was built by his
men in 1104 BC and indeed the legend of the sword in the stone can be linked
to Brutus in the legend of Persius. The tin mines in Cornwall
can be traced also back to 1104 BC and stone henge which I propose was none
other than the original round table can also be credited to Brutus. Corenious
a cousin of Brutus founded Cornwall and I propose he had something to do
with the copper and tin mines in Cornwall. However when Brutus arrived in
Tones he fought with the giants Gog and Magog and Corenius picked up one
of the giants and through him over a cliff (Hence the name Gogmagog's Leap.
) There have also been some bronze artifacts as well as burial mounds in
Devon and on Ireland the formores got a foothold although the date is
uncertain we can assume they must have invaded Ireland about the same time
as Brutus colonized Britain . And also between 1145 and 701 BC the nemedians
were  gradually dispersed after having repelled the formorians they lived
like pirates for a wile until some of their colony went north and came back
to Ireland as the Firbolgue and Picts while the others came back to Ireland
as the returning colony of Tuatha de dannan in AM 3303 or 701 BC;
However before that the nemedians were forced by the formores into
submission when they took Ireland from the Nemedians who left Ireland and
one of their groups came back as the return colony of tuatha de dannan.
Before the introduction into Britain and Ireland of the Iron industry it is
interesting to note that Britain became an island in about 687 BC according
to Velekovskey or at least was finally broken away from France and the North
sea rose back again for the last time as the result of some ice age
catastrophe. It will be noted however a lot of bronze age weaponry and
stone age tools not to mention the remains of prehistoric animals like the
mammoth have also been found in the north sea along side bronze age
artifacts and henges under the sea; such as sea henge for example. So this
is where we must leave it and begin our iron industry period from annomundi
3500 or 504 BC (sited in the annals of the world by Bishop Ussher) We have
our last and final colony in Ireland who introduced the iron industry.
These people were the children of Milid or Milisians who landed un-noticed
in the River Slaney in Ireland. The lives of the people of Melitus had been
made precarious for decades by the ambitions of the Persian army prior to
the fall of their city; and nothing would have been more natural that a
colony should decide to flee and look for a new haven. They would seek some
safe fertile land which was well-known to the Phoenician mariners such as
Ireland and this they did and took Ireland from the tuatha de dannan.
Co-incidentally the tuatha de Danna finally expelled the formores in 701
BC. Iron B was introduced by the Latene Celts in 220 BC. The Milisians were
infact the Halstatt Celts because they worshipped the God Danu and made gods
of the tuatha de dannan. According to Mr. Charles s Kimball the Picts didn't
arrive until 100 BC. And from here we come to our third chapter. Chapter 3
on the coming of the Romans. The Picts arrived in Scotland about 100 BC.
According to Velekovskey there were according to "earth in upheaval" some
where between 700 and 1000 BC people living side by side in Paleolithic
time Mesolithic time Neolithic time and bronze time also simultaneously.  

References and Links for chapters 1 and 2:

 1 Bill Cooper after the flood page 205 (The descendants of Japheth) 2 The
Milisians After the flood (Bill Cooper pages 116/117) 3. The ice age (Bill
Cooper "After the flood" 251/252) 4. The bronze age link to Brutus ; 5.Neolithic bronze
and iron industries to Mr. Charles S Kimball pages 35 and 36. 6. The
formores Peter Beresford's dictionary of Celtic mythology

Chapter 3: The Romans

Our next chapter concerns the coming of the Romans in 55 BC under Julius
Caesar. The Romans came once in 55 BC and the 2nd time in 54 BC and the
Britons were led by one Casevelaunus who put up fierce resistance. The
Romans landed in Kent and  didn't expect that the Britons would be well
organized. In one of Caesar's invasions The Britons had thought the Romans
had Gone or retreated and this was when Caesar came the second time in 54 BC
and were camped further inland on the river Medway and  surprised them
though they didn't conquer these islands until AD 43 under emperor
Claudius. Caracas's put up fierce resistance  against the Romans and was
betrayed  to the Romans by Queen catamandua of the Northern Iceni who was a
puppet queen under the Romans and Caracas's was taken in chains to Rome;
But he told the Romans that they came to raid the huts of the Britons and
that they the Romans were better-off than they the Britons were and the
Romans eventually released him and he stayed in Rome; provided that he did
not rebel against Roman rule. It must be borne in mind that the ancient
Britons were highly skilled even before the Romans invaded these Islands
and made things out of enamel; Bronze and iron and even had enamel on their
shields. The Romans on the other hand had much to contribute in the way of
under ground central heating and villas. Many of the Britons became
Romanized or Romano British Celts and co-existed peacefully alongside the
Romans. Claudius reigned from AD 43 until AD 54 and then Nero became
emperor and during his time; the Romans under Catus  Decianusa started to
rape the daughters of Queen Boadicea; and in revenge she rose up against the
Romans and reduced Colchester to ashes; but eventually the Romans re-grouped
and defeated the Iceni and as some call her "Boudica" rather than be taken
by the Romans she took poison.

It must be borne in mind that the Romans never conquered the whole of
Britain so Hadrian built the wall which kept the Picts out who were a threat
through out the period of occupation. Agricola led a campaign against them
but never defeated them . The period under investigation it will be noted 
goes as far as to when the Romans left Britain

The  reign of Roman emperors is as follows : Augustus 31BC to 14 AD.
Tiberius AD 14-37. Caligula the mad Roman emperor AD 37-41. Claudius 41-54.
Caligula's uncle murdered probably by Aggripina. Nero AD 54-68. Nero commits
suicide. Galba is the next emperor in line from 68-69. Otho reigned  3 months
and committed suicide in 69 Ad. Vespasian from 69to 79. Titus ruled from 79
to 81. Domitian AD 81 to 96. Nerva 96 to 98. Trajen 98 to 117 who was a
Spaniard. Hadrian 98 to 138 who was also a Spaniard Antonius Pius 138-161.
Marcus Aurelius 161 to 180 and murdered by his son. Comodus 180 to 192 and
assassinated on 31st December AD 192. Pertinax 1st Jan 193 to 28th march 193
and he was murdered by the Praetorians. Didus Julianus 193 appointed emperor
by Praetorians.

Septimus Severus from 193 to 211 ; Member of family from Trippolitiana
died in York having earlier fought the Scots .Caracalla and GETA 211 -217
Macrinus 217 to 218 killed with his son in battle. Elaggabalus 218to 222 and
murdered by prarorians. Alexandra 222 until 235.Maximus (March 235 and killed
in 238 Gordianus was emperor for 36 days Maximus and Balbinus ruled a few
months in AD 238. The next emperor was Gordian (238-244). Grandson of
Gordianus murdered by troops during campaign in Persia. Philip 244-
248/249.Decius 248-251. Galus 251- 253 (He was murdered,AEmilianus 253 also
murdered. Valerian and Gallienus AD 253-268. Valerian murdered by Persian
king Sapor in Persia and died in AD 260Gallienus the son of Valerian
murdered by his chiefs of staff in 268. Claudius the 2nd 268 until 270 died
of pestilence at Sermium having defeated the Goths; just before his death he
proclaimed Aurelian emperor. from 270 till 275 and killed by army officers.
Tacitus AD 275 - 276 and reigned for six months.

The next inline was Probus who ruled from AD 275 to 282
and was killed by his discontented troops. Carus ruled from 282 to283/284
with Nmerian and Carinus  reigning jointly in AD 284 and the next emperor
was a notorious persecutor of Christians who ruled  from 284 to 305 and one
of the Christian saints of the time was Alban who was  beheaded. This was
Diocletian who abdicated in AD 305 and died in 316. The sons of Carus were
killed by Diocletian in 284.  Maximian was the Roman governor of Britain who
later became Caesar and then "Augustus" in 286 . Maximian abdicated in 305
along with Diocletian. Next there  were two more Caesars: Galereus and
Consantius clorus and he had a son called Constantine who became the first
Christian emperor and made Christianity the official religion of the empire.
The Saxons were a problem for the Romans at this time and eventually the
Romans with drew their troops from Britain in AD 410 because the Romans
were being attacked by Huns Vandals and Goths which led to the sack of Rome
and this is where we leave our chapter on the Romans.



An Alternative Postflood History of Britain and Ireland From Creation and the
Ice age to the Romans:-

Chapter One:-

Every one knows that the creation occured in 4004 BC
according to Ussher's famous date and contrary to what evolutionists would
have us believe Iron and Bronze working existed from the time of Creation.
Tubal Cain was an artificer in metal working in Brass (Bronze ) and Iron
working and metals of every kind and was carriied through the flood and in
Britain where there were civilization centres through 2300 on world survey
expeditions by ship right through to am 1757 and 2247 BC in the days of Peleg
when came the division of Nations while some nations kept their technology
others became decultured such as the Neanderthals of Europe who possibly
traded in their metal tools or lost the technology altogether and were thus
plunged into using stone tools. These are what archaeologists call the
palaeolithic/mesolithic cultures which are here confined to industries only
and it will be noted inthis connection that at the date of 2247 BC they
simply passed through Britain but did not colonise it until after the
dispersion. According to this history Babel was founded in 2234 BC and the
tower took it;s builders 43 years to complete but was destroyed in 2191 BC
and the people dispersed . They reached Britain and Europe by annomundi 1910
and 2094 BC. These were the earliest Celts under Samothes and were late
stone industries (Compendium of World History chapter 19 volume One


Druis, the the fourth in line, was after the time of Abraham and was the
ancestor of the Druids. There is unfortunately no room for this showinf in
my alternative Industry Table for Britain and Ireland so will therefore here
for our purposes be confined to the text. Druis ruled 1936 to 1922 BC
(Compendium of World History chapter 19 volume one HLH). Nemed ruled Ireland
from 1705 BC with the formorians fitting in somewhere between 1705 and 1289
BC.   Chapter Two:- Reintroduction of Bronze working in Britain:- The Exodus
occurred in annomundi 2513 and 1491 BC when Gaytholos and Scotta were in
Egypt and is identified with EB1 which was probably introduced into the
Isles when they came to Britain and the date was about 1480 BC or annomundi
2524. The next invasion of Ireland was carried out by the Firbolgue sons of
Dela (Mike Gascoigne Forgotten History of the Western People) and they
arrived in Ireland in 1289 BC eith the tuatha de dannans arriving in 1252
BC. Brutus arrived in Britain in Totnes in ca 1116 BC and thus is a mix of
EB1 and MBI. The Milesians in Ireland came in 1055 to 1015 BC and according
to my chart is classified as MB2 probably stimulated by Solomon. Our Next
chapter deals with the introduction of the Iron industries when iron is the
metal used for weaponry such as swords to replace the ones made of Bronze
and earmarks the end of the line of Brutus and civil war.


Our Last and final chapter deals with the end of the line of Brutus right up
to the Romans but will be very brief. The end of the line of Brutus ended in
482 to 434 BC with civil unrest and a new line of kings in the days of
Silvius and Jasso. This was when Iron swords replaced theones made of Bronze
although the Bronze industry people were not ignorent of the use of Iron
which was used for agricultural purposes. So these new people 482 to 434 BC
were the "Iron (A) invaders followed  in the days of Morindus King of
Britain (Compendium of World History volume one chapter 19 HLH) by the
Latene celt invaders in 299 to 290 BC and these were the Iron (B) invaders
which did'nt maintain a foot hold on Britain (Compendium chapter 19 vol
one). Eventually Julius Caesar invaded Britain twice:- Once in 55 and the
second time in 54 BC. The Romans conquered Britain although not all of it
and the Picts were troublesome through out the occupation and Claudius
conquered Britain in AD 43 and the Romans left Britain in AD 410 to try and
repell the Goths Vandals and Huns. This concludes our alternative history of
Britain and Ireland although Brief but hope it has made interesting reading.
Author JohnHXF


Hi Darrell I have updated the Cambrian Journal.

"Man"" thus effectively pinning the two industries charts together and thus by comparison as you say they look fairly consistent being as both are from the Ancient Chroniclers. However where to go from here I'm not sure having delt briefly with the Roman occupation of Britain from AD 43 under Claudius and the two Roman invasions of 55 and 54 BC respectively up to the time the Romans left Britain in AD 410. How say you Darrell we study the period from King Arthur and the Legendary "Robin Hood" and the "Sherrif of Nottingham"? I think this might also add to the interest in completely updating the Cambrian journal; having thus far dealt with the "Prehistoric Period" at some length and have also thus far solved the mysteries of the "Deep Mists" of time. However this is just an idea of mine but considered it might well be worth mentioning. John


Hi Darrell as I am working on  a study of Middle Eastern Chronology not to mention "Silbury Hill" and the dates given in Collin's Consise Encyclopedia of Archaeology &c; and having thus far looked at some of Courville's work I came accross this interesting "Industries Table " he has at the end of the paper. Please click on to this link for Industries table on Palastine.  Meanwhile I'll coppy the table he has printed pinned to my industries chart for the middle east which is the biblical version and then when that is done, I'll send it to you for a review and then with a bit of luck publish the results on my website next Sunday, pinning all three industries charts together. Meanwhile see Darrell what you make of this on

Hi John,
David Downs and Donovan Courville are very close on Egyptian Chronology - yet some minor errors.
They uses Thiele's Chronological Dates which are off 45 years,  then they round down.
Thus his:
Early Bronze should be 2188 BC to 1500 BC
Middle Bronze I should be 1500 BC to 1055 BC
Middle Bronze II should be 1055 BC to his #.
I know nothing about the cultures, just adjusting his dates.

Hi Darrell it's nice to hear from you; but my computer at home is now not working so have therefore had to prioritize on cutting my spending on unnecessary bills; such as broadband when I can use the ammenities at our local Stafford Library of which I am a member and have access to a free internet for about two hours which I have not had the time this week because of my gardening work; However today Sunday (My restday) at my brother's place is the  best time I have right at the moment. Many thanks Darrell for the corrected Ussherian timeline for Palastine which I'll need to use for reconstructing my new industries chart for the Middle East as a whole. I think they (Donovan Courville and David Downs) have got it wrong on the dating of the "stone age" Cultures which I reckon should be dated from Peleg's Birth at 2247 BC which as you yourself have rightly pointed out that All metals were used immediately after the flood thus Bronze; Iron; gold; silver &c for example; Thus if we take into account the first world survey of China in 2295 BC; then Courville and David Downs can hardly justify stone age Cultures (whiich they here date near this time with a "rounded 2300 BC") could they? Thus to get the Ussherian date for this we would have to subtract 45 yrs from 2300 BC. Thus 2300 BC - 45 yrs = 2255 BC (Which if we take into account the devision of the earth in 2254/53 BC then we cannot be too far out; but being on the safe side I have rightly or wrongly used Peleg's birth date 2247 BC for a degeneration into the "stone age cultures" at this time; although Darrell as you say "The survey teams probably made stone tools to aid them in mining for metals. John