Re-evaluation of Ancient Man in Britain
This author was inspired by Stuart Piggott's "Neolithic Cultures of the British
Isles" and Donald A. Mackenzie's "Ancient Man in Britain", two excellent books
focused on Britain's supposed past, from prehistoric to Roman times.
Below is a summary of British history from my Main Industries chart which can be
found in the section "Chronology of Neolithic Man - part two". As a prefatory
note, I have decided to confine this study to showing how the exact chronology
of Ussher compares to conventional historic dates starting from 3900-4000 BC
(2295 BC Ussher). As you can see on the JPG Graph, linear correspondence does
not extend beyond 2295 BC Ussher (3900-4000 BC Conventional). Regarding earlier
Carbon-14 dates attributed to the biblical Flood and ancient ice ages that lie
outside the JPG Graph coordinates, I have been advised that Young Earth
Creationists have invalidated these dates for historical purposes.
It should therefore be born in mind in this connection that a total of only 6000
conventional years is acknowledged by this author.
This Author is a follower of Stuart Piggot's "Neolithic Cultures of the British Isles; and Mr Donald A Macenzie's "Ancient Man in Britain" which are two very exelent books focussed on Britain's supposed Pre-historic past to the Romans.
This is a Sumary of British history from my main industries chart at my website For the Main Industries chart please go to "Chronology of "Neolithic Man"" part two. As a Preforatory note the auther has decided to confine himself to conventional dates showing the Ussher exact chronology match up startimg from 3900-4000 BC (2295 BC) as per linear JPG Graph which will not allow me to go any further than this as the top date 2295 BC lies on the straight line of co-ordinates of 3900-4000 BC.
Please bear in mind in this connection that Flood Related Radio Carbon /14 dates such as 10,000 and 48,000 BC for supposed ancient ice ages for the Flood do not match up on the JPG Graph co-ordinates and I have been advised that YEC's have invalied these dates for historical purposes. Thus 48,000 BC=2349/2348 BC Flood Date.
It should therefore be borne in mind in this connection that only a total of 6000 conventional years wnly is here allowed by this author
Evaluation as per linear JPG Graph (below):-
Events...........................Exact Ussher Date......................Conventional Great Flood.........................2348 BC
End of Flood Pre-dynastic Neolithic/Bronze/ Iron and Steel Industries............................2347 to 2189/2188 BC
First world Surveys Neolithic/Bronze/Iron and steel industries also Neolithic explorers and farmers to Britain..........................2265 BC-2295 BC...............3900-4000 BC
Peleg Devision Madai finds his land covered in ice and explores Britain (Genesis appocraphon) and Cromagnon Palaeolithic Huntergatherers Sidon mines for copper and tin in what is now Cornwall.................................2247 BC.........................3400 BC
Ootzy the iceman explores Germany in the Alps (Neolithic/ Copper)and start of Babel..........................................2235/2234 BC................3300 BC
Cichol Gricenchos bourne 2250 BC and becomes mature leader of Formorei Huntergatherers at 25 and lands in Northwest Scotland plus hunting grounds maybe in Ireland..................................2225 BC (compromise would suggest)
Despersion from Babel and possible Ice Planet flyby and start of Ice age witnessed by Job...................................2191 BC
Misraem founds Egypt Dynasty one (eb1) and Neolithic groups under Cichol Gricenchos found and colonise the village of Skara Brae.........................2189/2188 BC...............3215 BC
Samothes (Meschec) Neolithic groups and huntergatherers in Britain..........................2135 to 2082 BC
Albion Son of Sidon invade and rule Britain and maybe has some Neanderthals in his team................................................2082 to 2038 BC
Albion is slain and defeated by Nimrod's general in France "Herculese" and 310 years after the flood Samothes Neolithic groups colonise Britain with first possible construction of Stone Henge......................................,2038 BC........................3000 BC
Parthelonian Neolithic groups colonize Ireland...................................2035 BC........................3000 BC
Partholan engages Cichol and the formorei (Picts) at Battle of Magithe and Skara Brae abandoned......................................2025 BC.......................about 2655 BC
The Amesbury archer Late Neolithic/ Early Bronze called by archaeologists "The Bell Beaker Culture" found buriedwith two copper daggers some gold and 15 flint arrowheads came from
Switzerland after the defeat of Albion in the city building era from France via the Rhone valley and the second construction of stone henge probably started at this time......................................1960 BC..............2300 BC
Exodus and Ice age meltdown.....................................................1491 BC
(From 2191 to 1491
=700 years for the Ice age as per Mike Oard)
Re-introduction of the Bronze Industry (eb1) when Hu Gadarn came to the "Honey islands" (Britain) and found there living water monsters when he first penetrated it’s uninhabited forests and silent planes..............................1421/1365 BC
Brutus colonizes Britain and fights rement of cananite giants while Goamagot is reserved to wrestle with Corenius who throws him off a cliff.....................................................1152 BC ALTERATION: This date is now revised to 1118 BC as the date of the Trojan war is 1184 BC
Late Bronze......................................722-585 BC
Line of British Kings ends and re-introduction of Iron Industry.................................585-549 BC
Morindus King of Britain (Iron A)..............................549-546 BC
Iron B:- The Latene Celts in Britain...........................................330-300 BC
The Two invasions of Julius Caesar..............................55 and 54 BC Conquest of Britain under Claudius................................AD 43
Queen Boadicea and the Iceni Revolt against Roman rule under Nero and burn and sack Colchester...................................AD 61
Angles, Saxons and Jutes attack Britain as the Picts were always a problem for the Romans throughout the period of Roman Rule and the Legions are called back to Rome to defend it against attacks from the Goths Vandels and huns.....................................AD 410
End of Historical Summary.
Please note everyone that this work is only a summary of the historical events covered by the main industries chart at my website;
For those interested in reviewing my table also please click the icon Chronology of "Neolithic Man" Part two for the main chart.
Thus it should be bourne in mind in this connection that the terms "Palaeolithic Man" "Neolithic Man" "Bronze age Man" Iron age Man &c mean little or nothing to this Author but the term "Neolithic Man" is an invention of my brother who is loathed to get rid of some of these evolutionary "Rubber Goal Post Terms" who very kindly helped me set up my website.
Thus for my money the term if you like Neolithic/Bronze/Iron and Steel industries is most definitely my invention but I think it is a good one which is against the usual labels of evolutionists
Thus the main reason for putting this table together is the fact that I thought that it is about time an honest re-evaluation of British ancient history was and is overdue and it must be achieved this author insists. The main reason thus in summary is to match up historical
conventional chronology from archaeological sites with the exact Ussher dates starting from 4000 BC (2295)
Of particular interest in this connection is the fact that some sites in Palastine date from 4000 BC according to conventional schollars which they call the Archaeological "Chalcolithic" a term which this author rejects and in itsplace Neolithic /Bronze/Iron and Steel.
Thus in Summary then the terms Palaeolithic "Neolithic" "Bronze/Iron and Steel are confined by this author to industries ownly and not ages and are usefull labels when dealing with historical sites and cultures.
Thus these labels are the only labels here allowed by this author.
On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 6:56 PM, John hext-fremlin wrote:
Dear Bill I am delighted to say that my Re-evaluation Document and jpg linear
correspondence is up and running and has been published on my website. To view
document please click the icon "Re-evaluation of Ancient Man in Britain".
I have printed and copied Donovan Courville's chart pertaining to the "Exodus
Problem" which is on my website at and would
like to point out that he Courville uses the "Thiel chronology" for his
conventional 10,000 BC=2300 BC as far as the Pre-dynastic period in Egypt is
concerned and thus as a result he is way off by 47 Years which added to
2300=2347 BC on the Ussher chronology.
The book of Genesis insists as do I that from 2347 to 2189/2188 BC as far as
Egypt is concerned is what archaeologists call Pre-dynastic thus the matching
conventional date needs to be 10,000 BC=2347 BC by adding 47 Years to the Thiel
chronology thus 2300+47=2347 BC in Ussher's correct chronology which would cover
the whole period (as well as the first world survey teams 2295 BC] up to and
including 2189/2188 BC (Founding of Egypt by Misraem which is the first dynasty)
so I need to stress that Iam very thourough with my Ussher chronology and leave
no stone "unturned.
However as far as the chronology document and jpg linear correspondence goes
very kindly sent to me by Mike Fischer I cannot go beyond 2295 BC as the linear
correspondence will not let me exeed that date, accept to mention the
conventional 10,000 BC dating in the text ownly but most definitely not in the
chart to match2347 BC.
Darrell White has also pointed out that as far as RC/14 dates are concerned the
nearer the flood date 2348 BC the steeper the callibreation curve. Thus I would
make an urgent request as far as the historic Genesis narrative is concerned to
change Courville's conventional dating to 10,000 BC=2347 BC. Do you think Bill
that this could be achieved by the Creation Science Movement? John
On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 9:40 PM, W COOPER wrote:
The chap who did have expertise in this field is now no longer with us. But he
did use to refer to Barry Setterfield's work on the speed of light. Setterfield
found that if you extrapolated backwards the decay of the speed of light, then
at about 4000 BC the exponential curve goes off the scale. In other words, the
speed of light was infinite at the Creation. The speed of light profoundly
affects the decay rate of C14. I have no references for you right now (I'm in
the middle of researching Joshua), but Google Barry Setterfield (Australian) and
you will find references to follow up. Hope this helps.
Bill Cooper PhD ThD
Vice President Creation Science Movement
Adjunct Professor Master Faculty ICR School of Biblical Apologetics
On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 12:12 AM, John hext-fremlin wrote:
Dear Bill most interesting and many thanks for this. Thus this must be part of
the reason why the linear correspondence will not let me exeed the the
conventional date of 4000 BC which in our terms is 2295 BC for the earliest
world survey teams. By the way Bill I wish you very good hunting into your
research on Joshua. John
Dear John,
Keith Hunt presents a most fascinating analysis of the question: who were the
Picts? The many linguistic connections are creative and surprising, as is the
symbol of intertwined serpents on a cross. He concludes that
"They were presumably a branch of the primitive small-statured, narrow-browed
and long-headed dark race of matriarchist Serpent-worshipping cave-dwellers...
who, in early prehistoric times in the Old Stone Age, sent off from this central
hive swarm after swarm of "hunger-marchers" under matriarchs, westwards across
Asia Minor to Europe, as far as Iberia and the Biscay region, after the
retreating ice. The hordes, which ultimately reached Albion overland, formed
there the "aborigines" of Albion. They appear to have entered Southern Albion by
the old land-bridge at Kent, after the latter end of the last glacial period,
when the reindeer, mammoth and woolly rhinoceros still roamed over what is now
called England. And then, long ages afterwards, in the late Stone Age,
presumably before 2000 B.C., they gave off a branch to Erin under a Van, Ban or
Fian matriarch, forming the aborigines of Ireland.
I wonder two things. First, are there today, perhaps in northern Britain, people
who display dark skin, short stature, long heads, and narrow brows? Second, if
there was a Phoenician heritage, would not they have tended to travel by sea
rather than march overland to Europe and cross a land-bridge to Britain? There
does not appear to have been a nautical tradition among the Picts.
The complete disappearance of the Picts around 850 A.D. is not even in the deep
mist of the past, yet it is a mystery in itself. How much greater are the
difficulties of your search into 1000 B.C., 2000 B.C, and beyond. For that I
wish you good hunting.
Subject: Re: A very interesting article on the Picts by Keith Hunt SOS
Dear Mike I have found a very interesting article on the Picts (Formorei) by
Keith Hunt. According to Keith Hunt there were Ancient Phoenicians whom by his
dating arrived in Britain about 2800 BC (Would this be about 2082 BC for the
arrival of Albion?) I suspect so.
It seems that the Phoenicians were in possession of the tin mines in Cornwall
even at this early date. It's interesting that if so the Phoenicians used Bronze
sparingly and made flint tools for the purpose of mining for metals and keeping
the technology a closely guarded secret from the natives of this country.
Please let me know what you think of this article Mike; Meanwhile good hunting
On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 11:34 PM, John hext-fremlin <>
Note Keith Hunt suggests they were enslaved by the Phoenicians on his chronology
about 2800 BC (Would this be about 2082 BC time of Albion and Bergeon?)
apparently Bergeon ruled Ireland and the Orkneys. John
Dear John,
The popular definition of the Fomorians on Wikipedia is "In Irish mythology, the
Fomoire (or Fomorians) are a semi-divine race said to have inhabited Ireland in
ancient times. They may have once been believed to be the beings who preceded
the gods, similar to the Greek Titans. They seem to represent the gods of chaos
and wild nature, as opposed to the Tuatha Dé Danann who represent the gods of
human civilization." The Encyclopedia Mythica entry at
says "In Irish-Celtic mythology, the Fomorians are a race of demonic giants,
ancient occupants of Ireland (or sometimes mentioned as a mythical, prehistoric
people who raided and pillaged Ireland from the sea). The first to invade
Ireland were the Partholons, but after many battles the Fomorians afflicted them
all with plague. After them came the Nemeds, who in their very first battle were
defeated and enslaved. The third wave of invaders, the Firbolgs, were more
successful and they subdued the Fomorians and managed to live peacefully with
them. After a period of peace, the Tuatha Dé Danann, the Irish race of gods,
arrived. They conquered the Firbolgs, but dealt more subtly with the Fomorians,
although they destroyed their hegemony over Ireland for good in the second
battle of Mag Tuireadh. The Fomorians were given the province of Connacht, and
were even allowed to marry some of the Tuatha Dé. The king of the Fomorians is
the one-eyed Balor."
From your investigations, how do these representations square with the truth?
As you predicted several years back, the "official" view of Neanderthals has
changed, and continues to change, in the direction of increased humanity. Their
cultural level, technological ability, integration with "modern" humans,
position in pre-history, and even their appearance are being upgraded. I agree
that the history you developed shows Neanderthals to be extremely enterprising.
Mainstream opinion is still a long way from seeing Neanderthals as Canaanites,
but the door is more open now than before to evidence related to Neanderthals.
Admittedly, it will take some work to show them as mariners. Regarding their
height, 5' 4" does not seem to be particularly short for ancient people.
It is clear Keith Hunt uses the conventional chronology. The value of his
contribution would rest in the associations he finds among language and peoples
rather than dates.
In the end, evidence always beats convention.
Subject: Re: A very interesting article on the Picts by Keith Hunt SOS
Dear Mike I have taken a brief look at chapter ten and Keith Hunt confirms that
the picts or abouriginees of Britain and Ireland (though more specially Northern
Scotland and Skara Brae 2189/2188 BC) were in fact the formors so if you click
on to the previous chapter you will find I am correct.
Thus it would have been impossible for Sessair to have arrived in Ireland
shortly before the flood as everything was destroyed. More likely I suggest at
the time of division in Peleg's day probably about 2247 BC to claim her fishing
grounds I suggest in Ireland until when Cichol (the Footless which is to do with
the serpent) arrived In Ireland in 2225 BC to commence hunting and gathering and
fowling and fishing 200 years before battle of Magithe with Partholan in 2025
BC. Please note Mike Keith hunt is wrong about Partholan arriving in 400 BC
because he arrived in Ireland in 2035 BC. These are the dates given me by
Darrell .
Of further particular interest in this connection is the fact that the
Neanderthals were short and stocky (and called giants in strength Neanderthal/Nephilim)
and measured about 5 feet and four inches tall and used red ochre paint (found
at Skara Brae) and match up with the same stature and hight of the Picts or
Dear Sir first let me say that I ownly attatched the linear
correspondence or if you prefur "Linear Graph. However I realised that it
would be incompletewithout the full industries chronology chart thus that is
the reason why the linear graph shows twice on the email as I was having
problems with my lap top trying to attatch the full chronology and linear
correspondence from my website http://www.johnhextfremlin.
Traditionary Annals of the British Cymry
Having presented all the updated chronology as it applies to Britain Ireland Northwest Europe &c I would like to present a new chart headed under the Traditionary annals of the Cymry starting with Partholans arrival in Ireland in 2035 BC having in mind that all the other dates have been dealt with so the new chart would look something like this. Although it might be an idea to show the summary chart plus the chronology we already have. So here it is:
2348 BC.Great Flood
2035 BC Partholan arrives Ireland 313 years after the flood. (312 years in the book od invasions)(Neolithic industries)
2025 BC Battle of Magithe with Cichol
2024 BCstart of 269 years dominion over Ireland
1755 BC plague-wasteland for 30 years
1725 BC Nemed arrives rules for 216 years (217 in the book of invasions
1508 BC Battles with Formorians
1504 BC Last of three battles Ireland without a king for 200 years
1354 BC Longstrife Battle with formorians
1304 BC After 200 years Firbolgue (eb1) rule Ireland for37 years
1267 BC Firbolgue battle with twarthy de danan (Long strife)
1240 BC Firbolgue power eliminated. Twarthy de Danan rule for 197 years
1043 BC Son of Miles arrives and expell twarthy de Danan from power (12th year of King David
British ancient history from re-introduction of Bronze industry
1365 BC abouts Hu Gadarn arrives Britain uninhabited but are called the Honey islands
1184 BC Trojian war
1118 BC after 66 years Brutus arrives in Britain (Brutus expells caananite giants from Britain and their leader Gogmagog is thrown over a cliff by Corenius
728/722 BC Late Bronze
585 to 549 BC Line of British kings ends with reintroduction of Iron industry
549 to 546 BC Morindus king of Britain iron a
330-300 BC the Latene celts in Britain iron b
55 and 54 BC two invasions of Julius Caesar
AD 43 conquest of Britain under Claudius
AD 61 The iceni revolt against Roman rule and sack Colchester
Angles Saxons and Jutes attack Brittain also the Picts as they were a problen to the Romans throughout the preiod of Roman rule
AD 410 The Roman Legions leave Britain as Rome is threatened by the Huns and Goths.
DW to JXF (Email from Darrel White)
When I attempt to find a date for ancient events I search for original durations, synchronisms, or other ancient clues - some ancient reference which allows me to estimate or determine a date. I never accept the speculation of modern chronologists as worthy of consideration unless they specify how (from ancient sources) they came up with their estimates. Obviously 500 to 700 BC is totally out of line and I am confident that author did not show how he came to that conclusion.
However, I looked at "re-evaluation of ancient man" at your site and have two comments:
1) I think the best date for Brutus is 1118 BC.
I know of only 3 or 4 credible ancient clues for the date.
a) 1200 years after the Flood or 2348 BC - 1200 years = 1148 BC. [Rough Estimate - better than 1152 BC]
I assume the above is a rounded off number and could easily be as much as plus or minus 30 to 40 years off.
b) The specified 66 years after Troy. 1184 BC - 66 years = 1118 BC. [most precise]
c) synchronised to the time the High Priest Eli was judge in Israel, and when the Ark of the Covenant was taken by the Philistines. Historia Britonum 7, 10-11 According to FN Jones, the Ark was taken in either 1122 or 1121 BC (when Eli died hearing about it). [Synchronisms can easily be a few years off. but this is fairly precise.]
Also Bill Cooper using genealogical generation estimates come up with 1104 BC for Brutus. However generations estimates can also be off by 5 to 10 years per generation - [another rough estimate, but I think better than the 1200 year rough estimate.]
Base on the more precise clues, a date between 1121 BC and 1118 BC is probably the best. I would choose 1118 BC, since it is the only precise duration given and fits well with the synchronism and generational estimates.
Conclusion: Until further credible information is found, I would now suggest changing Brutus to arriving in 1118 BC.
2) My chart (after considerable thought) has the date for the Flood starting in Dec. of 2349 BC. FN Jones and Ussher both specify 2348 BC. My date is based on Hindu ancient records specifying the precise number of days from Creation and is likely to be more accurate than a duration based in years used by Jones and Ussher. However, we should use 2348 BC.
Conclusion: I think it is best to keep it at 2348 BC as you have it. The difference is insignificant.
Did the "Beaker Folk" come to Britain about 4500 years ago?
A recent study suggests that Britain’s Neolithic farmers (who left behind massive rock relics, including Stonehenge) were elbowed out by Beaker invaders. Some archaeologists say that the study does not prove the scale of the British Beaker invasion, but agree that it is a major work that typifies how huge ancient-DNA studies are disrupting archaeology. It’s “groundbreaking”, says Benjamin Roberts, an archaeologist at Durham University, UK
Read the full article in NATURE, vol 545, 18 May 2017
Other emails on the Beaker Folk
Dear Mike with regard to the Focus news paper cutting you sent me on the "invasion of the Bronze age beaker people into Britain AND for that matter including Europe; I have sent to Darrell White. in the above email Darrell is in aggreement with me that when they came to Britain by conventional dating 2300 BC and Ussher 1960 BC they could not possibly have displaced the Neolithic Samothes coloney as the evidense that the Amesbury archer overlaps with this coloney in the Kinglist. I think you will find his reply interesting. Thus in conclusion where do archaeologists get some of their absurd daing from? John
Hi Darrell how is your Blueberry picking season doing? This is the first email for a long time that I am sending you as I have been very busy with my gardening work. Have you found any thing on the Amesbury archer who is dated by conventional archaeologists to 2300 BC and 1960 BC on the Ussher timeline. Mike Fischer alledges that according to a news paper article he sent me that the so-called "Bronze age" Beaker people displaced the Neolithic farmers which of course we instantly recognize as the Samothes coloney which is of course nonsense.
I have said time and again that these people groups were contemporary with the samothes neolithic coloney. The news paper cutting alledghes that they came to Britain and invaded in 2500 BC by their conventional dating, Again surely this is nonsense as I sugest the so-called Beaker people were a remnant of Albion's coloney by our chronology 2082 BC to 2038 BC. The Amesbury archer reputedly came from Switzerland. Is there any solution to this mystery Darrell?
Hi John,
It sounds like a question worthy of study, but at this time I do not know much about either the beaker people or the archer and it would require a lot of study.
I do not expect to study this for some time since I will be travelling august 20-25. Once back I will start an intense study for 15 days. Hopefully I will be able to do some research on these items before November.
Do you have a link to the newspaper article? Any link on how they came up with Switzerland for the archer? They must have documentation somewhere.
BTW, we had a record blueberry harvest this year.
Canaanites land in Britain
Prehistoric Giants of France and Spain
Click on this link to an interesting blog on the "giant bones" found
in France in the late 19th Century. Were they descendants of
the Anakim?
Bill Cooper is a vice president and trustee of the Creation Science
movement in the UK, and the author of many books. He has gathered
some compelling evidence of the authenticity of these the book of
Judges in the Old Testament of the Bible, attributed to the Hebrew
prophet Samuel. Click on the link below to open a copy of his book,
published here by permission of he author.
The Authenticity of the Book of Judges, by Bill Cooper
Hi Darrell would not the German colony from Trier already have been "Bronze Age" I certaily would suspect so especially if they were Assyrians. I suspect that the German and French colonists would have come over in 1960 BC. Does the date of 2800 BC translate to 2082 BC in Ussher's terms? John
I see all your emails, but just got back from an important meeting in Illinois and have a large backlog of things to get done before winter. Will try to respond when I can.
1) I am not taking time to search through my files to find information on conversions, but I checked my timeline chart and it suggested the unification of Egypt was in 2161 BC which secular chronology generally places at 3100 to 3000 BC. So my quick and very crude guess for 2800 BC would be about 2080 BC to 2040 BC. Note 1: The rate of increase in RC14 was rapid just after the flood so 200 to 300 RC years are likely only 80 to 120 actual years.
Note 2: The accumulation of RC14 in the north might be less than that near Egypt.
2) Would the German colony have Bronze tools at the time they founded Trier. I would assume they would since whoever knew bronzework would have had to sell to the Assyrians. Would they know and have the technology to make their own? Maybe, maybe not. One or more of the sons of Japheth probably knew the technology and the sons of Sidon likely traded in it. More than that we would need arch. evidence for. However, you might check to see if the required minerals where available in the Trier region.
From: John
hext-fremlin Sent: Sunday, November 5, 2017 8:27 PM
To: Darrell White
Subject: The French and German colonists to Britain
Hi Darrell very interesting on the carbon/14 dates for Trier. So yes I would go with the idea that the Germans got their bronze from the Assyrians
Darrell looks like copper and tin were available in Neustatt Travemunde also Trier about 3000 BC although the info goes on to say it was available in Egypt about 4000 BC if my info is correct to their timeline John
check out this site: might add info.
Tin is an essential metal in the creation of tin bronzes, and its acquisition was an important part of ancient cultures from the Bronze Age onward.
Sent: Saturday,
November 11, 2017 12:12 PM
To: Darrell White
Subject: Re: The French and German colonists to Britain
John, While I was searching I found this site: thought it would be really interesting
Hi Darrell yes but this is going back abit maybe to last year. Loo Paradise very kindly published my website on his "Blog" which I'm pretty sure I informed you about. However since that was published things have moved on abit. Darrell can you tell me if there was an early bronze age coloney in Ireland overlapping Partholan's Neolithic farmers about 1960 BC? Dont forget is that Nemed 1725 BC is also classed as neolithic although I would think he at least had some metal artifacts and tools. The only early bronze age period I have come across in Ireland are the Firbolgue (1350 BC Battle of Long strife with formores) 1304 BC conquest of Ireland (Early bronze) John
From: John
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2017 6:32 PM
To: Darrell White
Subject: Ten assertions of Fact on Bell/Beaker Culture
Hi Darrell what are the ten assertions of fact on the Bell/Beaker culture. I know that they fit very nicely into our historic time line and were evidently of canaanite decent would'nt you say? Not so sure about the so-called genome study on them. But if you could give me your ten assertions on Bell/Beaker culture we'd have something interesting to go on. Have you seen the Youtube video on the "Giant of Canderha Province in Afganistan being engaged by the Us Army? John
From: John
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2017 1:46 PM
To: Darrell White
Subject: Re: Ten assertions of Fact on Bell/Beaker Culture
Hi Darrell Many thanks for your interesting attatchment on Bell/Beaker culture. I still think of overlapping samothes people groups as being contemporary with the Bell/Beaker groups. Albion was from 2082 to 2038 BC. places the old megalithic culture having its origins in Babylon 5000 to 6000 years ago. So maybe aDarrell there were other people who coppied Bell shaped Pottery. And yes the ice age meltdown would have been a contributary factor in its dissaperance but not sure about genome study. When you saythey were in Britain from1960 BC then how long Darrell in your view were the bell beaker people here/ ? John
On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 7:27 PM, Darrell White wrote:
Could not find my notes, so I redid the study and found extra references.
I have attached my open office word file which now contains 14 assertions of factual information and my thoughts on them.
Have not see Afganistan Giant thing - send link if significant.
From: John
hext-fremlin <
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 12:22 PM
To: Darrell White
Subject: Re: #2 Re: Ten assertions of Fact on Bell/Beaker
Hi Darrell I have got your map. Interesting that the Bell/Beaker (Phenomenon) as some like to call it was based on a craze for a style in pottery types and not so much people groups or one people group with Bell/Beaker culture as it seems to have been addopted also by other indo european groups.
Interesting about Magus and the civilizations of the Rhone valley and Paris Basin. Thus it must have been some of these groups who traded with the Phoenicians and brought the Bronze industry to Britain. As for the
On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 6:45 PM, Darrell White wrote:
Did the document I sent have the maps and pictures in them?
If not, they can be found at the links I included or I can send them in an email.
I attached above the key map I wrote from, just in case
BTW: As I have mentioned, I have not been highly involved in Chronology for 7 years now. I still remember enough to be of general help, but I will not remember all the dates without looking them up - sorry for the mistake.
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 4:56 PM
To: Darrell White
Subject: Re: #2 Re: Ten assertions of Fact on Bell/Beaker
Hi Darrell yes I have the maps you sent me and the precise area controlled by the canaanites (Sons of Sidon). Were then the sons of Sidon of Bell /Beaker culture.
[If the Sons of Sidon traded BBC wares within their influence, then it would seem they were BBC themselves and Megalithe also.]
Don't forget is the fact that Bell/Beaker culture reached Britain in 1960 BC [my speculation was that it might have been in Britain even earlier than that, possibly 2038 + 100 years or 2138 BC.] so did/nt Albion keep the natives in ignorence of working metals [I would agree that the Phoenicians would have been very protective for both the tin mines and of how to work in metals (if they could and if it was already a secret), but most traders/merchants focus on profit by selling their wares to anyone willing to buy at a premium price, so the region under their control would likely have BBC ware sold to them by the Phoenicians.] so 2038 BC would be late Neolithic industries [sorry, I am still ignorance of terminology - late Neolithic] unless we call Albion's men Bell Beaker culture [which I just suggested would be appropriate if they were indeed trading these wares, then they probably used these wares themselves.] [also note: If secret and only Phoenicians did metal work, then the Archer, who as I recall, had simple metal working tools would likely have been Phoenician - unless, of course, those buying the ware had some basic knowledge of metal working. -- The earliest metal working forges were found near mt. Ararat even before Babel. This area was later colonized by Japeth from which the European colonist came - so it could still go either way for the id of the Archer.]
On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 12:37 PM, Darrell White wrote:
On the map I attached, the main region of BBC is the precise area that the sons of Sidon controlled and Hercules had to overthrow.
To: Darrell
Subject: Re: #2 Re: Ten assertions of Fact on Bell/Beaker
What was the Corded ware culture Darrell? Is this an early Bronze culture or does it belong to the Late Neolithic or perhaps both. Not sure about the so-called Battle-axe cultures. Would bebetterto stick with the 1960 BC dating for Bell/Beaker otherwise things get confusing. John
On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 12:25 PM, John hext-fremlin wrote:
Hi Darrell I have just looked up the date at which Samothes arrived in Britain according to the dating you gave me and the earliest date I have for Samothes is 2135 BC with Albion arriving in 2082 BC and expelled by Herculese in 2038 BC so 2138 BC would be too early for the Bell/Beaker phenomenon.
Have in mind also that Magus ruled from about 2038 BC when Albion was expelled from Britain so we have 2038 BC to 1960 BC which is on my chart for Magus ruling untillthat time and 1960 BC for the Bell/Beaker phenomenon if we have in mind that the new migrants into Britain probably traded with the phoenicians or already had a knowledge of Bronze manufacture. So it seems the early archaeological Bronze age in Britain began during the ice age. John
On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 8:54 PM, Darrell White wrote:
Hi John,
Didn't quite figure out what you were saying? Hope I got it close.
Made comments in brackets and Red within your Text - hope they have some meaning and help in some way.
Glad you keep working on these things.
I found the short research I did was fun and interesting. Learned a lot.
Hi John,
Remember, I have done very little research in this area and the designation Neolithic means almost nothing to me (since I avoid said terms as invalid and misleading).
1) Supposedly, based on my limited reading, the corded ware culture established itself from N & NW Black Sea region to the Eastern Germany region just a short time before BBC arose (they date it 2900 to 2350 BCE). During the late BBC, BBC ware supposedly became adopted through central Europe as far as Bohemia.
2) Samothes at 2135 BC would obviously be the very earliest BBC
could have started. With the sparse population at that time, it
seems unlikely it would represent a widespread culture.
3) Your suggestion of after Magus seems quite possible (and fits the larger population needed). When Samothes arrived, the sons of Sidon may not have been very friendly toward newcomers and would have been unlikely to arm these newcomers with Bows (which are likely a later development anyway). However, by Magus' death in 1960 BC, about 78 years after the defeat of Albion, they may have established more friendly relations and the Phoenicians may have established good trade relations. In that case the BBC culture would have had to lasted (100 to a few hundred years) from about 1960 BC to 1860 or to about 1700 BC (much larger populations by then-so better fit). However, we need some major disruption to end the culture - possibly the Famine at the time of Joseph might have impacted Europe (I've seen comment suggesting it affected the entire world).
4) So maybe 2 different time periods might fit much of the data -
5) Also, it appears from the maps that some of the BBC finds were located under the Glaciers that existed from before 1900 BC to 1490 BC. If so, then those finds would have to represent either sites before or after the Glaciers were present. However, one would have to double check on the find locations to be sure if this is even a real consideration.
Because of 4 and 5 above, I had favored the earlier dates.
Since you know far more about these concepts, I am sure you can fit what appears to be known (the 10+ items) about BBC within Ussher's timeline.
Best Wishes,
On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 9:47 PM, John hext-fremlin wrote:
Hi Darrell the 1960 BC date translates to 2300 BC . The secular date of2800 BC is nonsense don't know where they get that date from I think you are correct about BBC being a craze for pottery and being different people groups. Iwill look up the date for the Trier civilization as I think you are correct about them coming toBritain about 1960 BC. Seems like at least some of the people adopted the Bronze industry to call it by correct name John
On Sat, Nov 4, 2017 at 12:45 PM, John hext-fremlin wrote:
Hi Darrell my industries chart gives two dates for founding of Trier by Trebetta the Assyrian 1 1300 years before Rome 2053 BC and 2 2079 BC 2000 years before Caesar. from main industries chart. John
Cant figure out Darrell where they get their date or secular date let's say of 2800 BC. How does this translate to Ussher? John
On Sat, Nov 4, 2017 at 12:45 PM, John hext-fremlin wrote:
Hi Darrell my industries chart gives two dates for founding of Trier by Trebetta the Assyrian 1 1300 years before Rome 2053 BC and 2 2079 BC 2000 years before Caesar. from main industries chart. John
Bell Beaker Culture: Chronological and Archaeological Research
I find that almost all Archaeological headlines and research has been build on Evolutionary assumptions and takes the few more factual information we have and tries to fit them into Evolutionary assumptions by sweeping generalizations, Inferences, and pure speculation. Inferences and Speculation are good and we must used these tools also, but we must always differentiate between them and more factual information – and it is good to be aware of all Inferences and speculation (it helps us) but we certainly should not to take them too seriously. Even the most factual information we find in these Archaeological papers is based on an array of evolutionary assumptions.
1) Bell Beaker Culture (BBC)
Around 4,500 years ago, a mysterious craze for bell-shaped pottery swept across prehistoric Europe. … for more than a century. …. After a few hundred years, the pots vanish from the record. …. By 2000 bc, signals of Neolithic ancestry disappear …. Roberts says he doesn’t see evidence for such a huge shift in the archaeological record. The rise of cremation in Bronze Age Britain could have biased the finding, he cautions, because it might have eliminated bones that could have been sampled for DNA [dkw – during the time Albion ruled – Phoenician trade would be easy, when defeated, trade would have broken off and french and Netherlands groups colonized southern England. OR Trade broken off by Ice Age Melt down.]
1A) Around 4,500 years ago, a mysterious craze for bell-shaped pottery swept across prehistoric Europe. [dkw – about 1960 BC and lasting a very short time]
2A) After a few hundred years, the pots vanish from the record. [dkw – could suggest that something happen which disrupted Trade] [dkw – during the time Albion ruled – Phoenician trade would be easy, when defeated, trade would probably have been broken off and French and Netherlands groups colonized southern England. OR Trade broken off by Ice Age Melt down.]
A study: skeletons found near Bell Beaker artifacts share few genetic ties — suggesting that they were not one migrating population. [dkw – thus more likely a vast group traded with the Phoenicians who sold these near all coast lands] …. The variety of Beaker artifacts makes it hard to define them as emerging from one distinctive culture: many researchers prefer to call their spread the ‘Bell Beaker phenomenon’, says Marc Vander Linden [dkw – world wide trade]
…. Even Beaker-associated people in the same region came from different genetic stock. [TRADE not people group culture] .. says Skoglund. Bell Beaker “is the best example of something that is pots and not people” that are spreading,
3A) A study: skeletons found near Bell Beaker artifacts share few genetic ties — suggesting that they were not one migrating population. [dkw – thus it is more likely a vast group of peoples traded with the Phoenicians who sold these near all coastal lands]
3B) The variety of Beaker artifacts makes it hard to define them as emerging from one distinctive culture: many researchers prefer to call their spread the ‘Bell Beaker phenomenon’, says Marc Vander Linden [dkw – world wide trade]
3C) Even Beaker-associated people in the same region came from different genetic stock. [TRADE not people group culture] .. says Skoglund. Bell Beaker “is the best example of something that is pots and not people” that are spreading,
But in Britain, individuals connected to Beaker pots seem to be a distinct, genetically related group [dkw: appears similar to Netherlands BBC] that almost wholly replaced the island’s earlier inhabitants [dkw an inference from lack of data – a hypothesis, but weak.] surprising,” says Pontus Skoglund, … “The people who built Stonehenge probably didn’t contribute any ancestry to later people, or if they did, it was very little.” [dkw – It is likely that the Phoenicians/Global Survey Teams originally built the megaliths – which latter where kept up and improved by later colonists]
3D) But in Britain, individuals connected to Beaker pots seem to be a distinct, genetically related group [dkw: appears similar to Netherlands BBC – note: 2 distinct people groups traveled up the Rhone River – one formed the colonies around the Paris Basin and the other Germanic group formed the colony of Trier on the Rhine River region (near the Netherlands). The maps and genetics I have seen suggests that many from that group migrated to England.]
4A) analysed the genomes of 19 Beaker individuals across Britain and found that they shared little similarity with those of 35 Neolithic farmers there. The pot-makers were more closely related to 14 individuals from the Netherlands, and had lighter-coloured skin and eyes than the people they replaced. [dkw – lighter coloured skin and eyes - suggest that the beaker group was likely not of Phoenician background. Based on John's research, the Phoenician would have darker skin.] [dkw – if the time is right 1935 BC our time, then England's peoples may have been replace the peoples from colonies in France or Netherlands – fair skinned and lighter eyes].
5) surprising,” says Pontus Skoglund, … “The people who built Stonehenge probably didn’t contribute any ancestry to later people, or if they did, it was very little.” [dkw – It is likely that the Phoenicians/Global Survey Teams originally built the megaliths – which latter where kept up and improved by later colonists]
Inference: that almost wholly replaced the island’s earlier inhabitants [dkw an inference from lack of data – a hypothesis, but weak.] Roberts says he doesn’t see evidence for such a huge shift in the archaeological record. The rise of cremation in Bronze Age Britain could have biased the finding, he cautions, because it might have eliminated bones that could have been sampled for DNA. Note: Inferences are not facts, but desire consideration.
6) The distinctive pots, possibly used as drinking vessels, are nearly ubiquitous; flint arrowheads, copper daggers and stone wrist guards are common, too. But there are regional differences in ceramics and burial style [dkw – suggests Trade with different people groups].
Mixing Data: A 2004 analysis of strontium isotopes, which vary according to regional geochemistry, suggested that some Beaker-associated individuals did migrate in their lifetimes … from Russia and Ukraine area. … 1 million DNA variants across the genomes of individuals who lived in Europe between 4700 and 1200 bc [dkw yes but not specific enough to focus on hundred years of BBC, this vast amount of time corresponds to Hu from Ukraine region migrating to Britain area – as likely many other groups in region migrated eastward also]
Above Headline is an Inference based on many assumptions based on Evolution. [dkw – why displaced Neolithic Farmers? What basis was the association made? What basis was the connection with Megaliths made with Neolithic Farmers? Farmers is an Evolutionary assumption I suspect – which is now repeated by everyone.]
see distribution on above link. Picture doesn't load here.
Speculation: They say the rapid expansion of the Bell Beaker culture, which is believed to have been instrumental in building the monoliths at Stonehedge, could hold the key. [dkw this contradicts previous article – now BBC built monoliths not Neolithic.] …. to eastern England, where it may have been responsible for erecting some of the megaliths at Stonehenge.
Inference=Fact: What is intriguing is that the genetic markers of this first pan-European culture [dkw: another contradiction - now it is a single culture], which was clearly very successful, were then suddenly replaced around 4,500 years ago, and we don't know why,' [dkw – if the time is right 1935 BC our time, then England's peoples would have been replace the peoples from France and Netherlands – fair skinned and lighter eyes]
Beaker folk lived about 4,500 years ago in the temperate zones of Europe … A warlike race, they were primarily bowmen and their extensive search for copper and gold greatly accelerated the spread of bronze [dkw – those in the temperate zone where hunters of animal along the ice glaciers of Europe and Russia. Bows would have been key to attacking animals from safe distances. Copper useful in finishing them off. silly inferences = mixing users with seekers of gold, hunters want tools – Phoenicians wanted resources for production for trade.]
Mixed Data: Corded Ware Peoples: and likely mixed Time Periods also.
'The record of this maternally inherited genetic group, called Haplogroup H, shows that the first farmers in Central Europe resulted from a wholesale cultural and genetic input via migration, beginning in Turkey and the Near East where farming originated
7) The map of H1 and H3 Haplogroups corresponds well with maps of the Monolithic and Beaker Bell Cutures. Also particularly well with the Phoenicians.
Inference now = Fact: 'We have established that the genetic foundations for modern Europe were only established in the Mid-Neolithic, after this major genetic transition around 4000 years ago,' says Dr Haak.
'This genetic diversity was then modified further by a series of incoming and expanding cultures from Iberia and Eastern Europe through the Late Neolithic.
8) Appearance: 'The expansion of the Bell Beaker culture (named after their pots) appears to have been a key event, emerging in Iberia [dkw – could be that the Phoenician Traders (key ports in Spain and Portugal) found a type of pot they thought would sell well and traded for them? It appears elsewhere these pots where manufactured in Northern Spain.]
Two fresh studies — one of ancient human DNA, the other a newly constructed genealogical ‘tree’ of languages — point to the steppes of Ukraine and Russia as the origin of this major language family, rekindling a long-standing debate.
[dkw supports migration from Ukraine region likely after Ice age melt down]
This ‘Anatolian hypothesis’ is supported by well-documented migrations into Europe, where agriculturalists replaced or interbred with the existing hunter-gatherers.
Speculation: domestication of horses and invention of wheeled transport would have allowed herders there to rapidly expand their range. Proponents of the ‘steppe hypothesis … Most linguists have signed up to the steppe hypothesis [dkw – actually we believe boats where used in earliest and secondary migrations – Troy and Athens where built in 1450 BC, 1 year after Jericho fell – about the time of the flood of the black sea and the rising of the Mediterranean sea after channel formed)
One knock against the theory was a lack of compelling evidence for a large-scale migration from the Eurasian steppe at this time.
A study of ancient human DNA posted to the preprint server on 10 February now plugs that gap
But they also revealed evidence for a second migration that began several thousand years later. [[ HU ect.]
DNA recovered from steppe herders called the Yamnaya, who lived in what are now Russia and Ukraine around 5,000 years ago, closely matched that of 4,500-year-old individuals from present-day Germany, who were part of a group known as the Corded Ware culture that encompassed most of northern Europe.
Yamnaya ancestry survives in the genomes of modern Europeans, with northerners such as Norwegians, Scots and Lithuanians maintaining the strongest link.
Corded ware vessel, an axe and two discs made of amber from an early male grave. Image: Danish National Museum
8) showed that the large demographic changes during the first part of the Bronze Age happened as a result of massive migrations of Yamnaya people from the Pontic-Caspian steppes into Neolithic Europe. They were also able to show that plague was widespread in both Europe and Central Asia at this time. [[A plague might correspond to the Exodus] but a famine happened in Abraham's time.]
In our grand synthesis we argue that Yamnaya migrants were predominantly males, who married women who came from neighbouring Stone Age farming societies” These Stone Age Neolithic societies were based on large farming communities reflected in their collective burial ritual often in big stone chambers, so called megaliths. Very different from the traditions of the incoming migrants.
The Yamnaya people originated on the Caspian steppes where they lived as pastoralists and herders, using wagons as mobile homes. From burial pits archaeologists have found extensive use of thick plant mats and felt covers.
The continent encountered by the Yamnaya people around 3000 BC had seen a decline in the agrarian Stone Age societies, thereby allowing space for incoming migrants. This decline was probably the result of a widespread plague from Siberia to the Baltic.
“Existing archaeological evidence of a strong 90% male dominance in the early phase of the Corded Ware/Single Grave Culture settlement in Jutland, Denmark, and elsewhere can now be explained by the old Indo-European tradition of war bands of young males who did not have any inheritance to look forward to. Therefore they were probably more willing to make a career as migrating war bands.”
“In our big Bronze Age study, published in 2015 we were astonished to see how strong and fast the genetic changeover was from the Neolithic to the Corded Ware. There was a heavy reduction of Neolithic DNA in temperate Europe, and a dramatic increase of the new Yamnaya genomic component that was only marginally present in Europe prior to 3000 BC. Moreover, the apparent abruptness with which this change occurred indicates that it was a large-scale migration event, rather than a slow periodic inflow of people“.
[dkw: maybe the plague helped with the change – or other catastrophic happenings]
9) Therefore it was possible to conclude that the Neolithic people were not speaking an Indo-European language, as did the Yamnaya migrants. nice summary of corded ware culture
Quick Facts
• Also known as the Battle Axe culture or Single Grave culture.
• Associated with the diffusion of Proto-Germanic and Proto-Balto-Slavic speakers.
• Blend of cultural elements of the earlier Funnelbeaker culture in the North European Plain with the PIE steppe culture (Yamna).
• Mobile pastoral economy relying mostly on cattle and occasional cereal cultivation.
• Regular use of horses and oxe-drawn wagons. Presence of copper and bronze artefacts as well as stone battle-axes.
• Coarse pottery typically decorated with twisted cord impressions, and sometimes with other types of impressions or incisions. Use of beakers and cups for drinking.
• The dead were inhumed in flat graves inside a small mound. Bodies were laid on their side with bent knees. Wagons/carts and sacrificed animals were present in graves.
The Proto-Celto-Germanic branch of R1b (L11) settled around Bohemia and eastern Germany circa 2800 BCE and established the Unetice culture, the Bronze Age culture which would expand across all Western Europe and Scandinavia over the next millennium, and replace the Neolithic/Chalcolithic Bell Beaker culture.
Wonderful Chronological Sequence
9A) Radiocarbon dating seems to support that the earliest "Maritime" Bell Beaker design style is encountered in Iberia, specifically in the vibrant copper-using communities of the Tagus estuary in Portugal around 2800–2700 BC and spread from there to many parts of western Europe.[3][14] An overview of all available sources from southern Germany concluded that Bell Beaker was a new and independent culture in that area, contemporary with the Corded Ware culture. [[dkw – again confirms contemporary with corded ware culture to the east AND likely Maritime = Trading Phoenicians.]]
for animation above see the
wikipedia reference above and look for it.
9B) Bell Beaker people took advantage of transport by sea and rivers, creating a cultural spread extending from Ireland to the Carpathian Basin and south along the Atlantic coast and along the Rhône valley to Portugal, North Africa and Sicily, even penetrating northern and central Italy.[34] Its remains have been found in what is now Portugal, Spain, France (excluding the central massif), Ireland and Great Britain, the Low Countries and Germany between the Elbe and Rhine, [dkw – assumes Bell Beaker people are a people group transporting rather than users of goods traded by Phoenicians who transported them.]
1B, 2B) Beakers arrived in Britain around 2500 BC, declined in use around 2200–2100 BC with the emergence of food vessels and cinerary urns and finally fell out of use around 1700 BC (Needham 1996).
4B) The earliest British beakers were similar to those from the Rhine (Needham 2005), but later styles are most similar to those from Ireland (Case 1993). In Britain, domestic assemblages from this period are very rare, making it hard to draw conclusions about many aspects of society. Most British beakers come from funerary contexts. [dkw – Netherlands connection].
10A) Britain’s only unique export in this period is thought to be tin. It was probably gathered in streams in Cornwall and Devon as cassiterite pebbles and traded in this raw, unrefined state.[75] It was used to turn copper into bronze from around 2200 BC and widely traded throughout Britain and into Ireland. Other possible European sources of tin are located in Brittany and Iberia, but it is not thought they were exploited so early as these areas did not have Bronze until after it was well established in Britain and Ireland.[76]
The most famous site in Britain from this period is Stonehenge, which had its Neolithic form elaborated extensively. Many barrows surround it and an unusual number of 'rich' burials can be found nearby, such as the Amesbury Archer. Another site of particular interest is Ferriby on the Humber estuary, where western Europe’s oldest plank built boat was recovered.
11) Archer lived during Bell Beaker time period: The Archer's grave yielded the greatest number of artefacts ever found in a Bronze Age burial in Britain. Among those discovered were: five funerary pots of the type associated with the Beaker culture; three tiny copper knives; sixteen barbed flint arrowheads; a kit of flint-knapping and metalworking tools, including cushion stones that functioned as a kind of portable anvil and that suggest he was a coppersmith; and some boar's tusks. On his forearm was a black stone wrist-guard. A similar red wrist-guard was by his knees. With the second wrist-guard was a shale belt ring and a pair of gold hair ornaments, the earliest gold objects ever found in England.[5]
Research using oxygen isotope analysis in the Archer's tooth enamel has suggested that he may have originated from an alpine region of central Europe. An eroded hole in his jaw showed that in life he had suffered from an abscess, and his missing left kneecap suggests that he had an injury that left him with a painful lingering bone infection.
Tim Darvill regards the skeleton as possibly that of a pilgrim to Stonehenge to draw on the 'healing properties' of the bluestones.[13]
12) The Bell Beaker cultural phenomenon did not in fact replace the Megalithic culture in western Europe, but coincided with it. The Beaker people continued to use common Megalithic burials (e.g. passage graves) like their Neolithic ancestors. In central Europe, where no Megalithic culture existed, bell beaker artefacts nevertheless appear due to the presence of “3E)” western European merchants. … It is perhaps the wealth of Megalithic people that attracted, through the Beaker network,
The southern R1b branch had advanced from the Hungarian plain to Bohemia and Germany by 2500 BCE (presence of R1b confirmed by Lee at al. 2012), and continued its migration until the Atlantic coast, reaching Britain and western France by 2,200 BCE and Ireland by 2,000 BCE.
It is likely that these Proto-Celts who invaded the British Isles belonged to a great majority to the L21 subclade of R1b, as this haplogroup now makes up over two thirds of paternal lineages in Wales, Ireland and Highland Scotland. In fact, Cassidy et al. (2015) tested the genomes of three Bronze Age individuals from Rathlin Island in Ireland dating from between 1550 and 2000 BCE, and found out that they all belonged to R1b-L21 and were almost genetically indistinguishable from the genomes from the Unetice culture in Central Europe at the same period, confirming that a migration from central Europe to Ireland had brought R1b-L21 by 2,000 BCE.
13) In contrast, Cassidy's team found that the genomes of the Neolithic inhabitants of Ireland were almost identical to those of other Neolithic farmers in Europe and did not carry Steppe ancestry.
14) It is doubtful that the Bell Beaker culture (2800-1900 BCE) in Western Europe was already Indo-European because its attributes are in perfect continuity with the native Megalithic cultures. The Beaker phenomenon started during the Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic in Portugal and propagated to the north-east towards Germany. During the same period Bronze Age Steppe cultures spread from Germany in the opposite direction towards Iberia, France and Britain, progressively bringing R1b lineages into the Bell Beaker territory.
3F) It is more likely that the beakers and horses found across Western Europe during that period were the result of trade with neighbouring Indo-European cultures, including the first wave of R1b into Central Europe.
Speculation: It is equally possible that the Beaker people were R1b merchants or explorers who traveled across Western Europe and brought back tales of riches poorly defended by Stone Age people waiting to be to be conquered. This would have prompted a full-scale Indo-European (R1b) invasion from about 2500 BCE in Germany, reaching the Atlantic (north of the Pyrenees at least) around 2200 BCE.
Using isotope tests that look for molecular variations in teeth that are due to an individual's diet, researchers have found that between 28 percent and 42 percent of the women in the graves spent their childhoods following a grain-rich agricultural diet — "bread and muesli," Kristiansen said.
"That was not the diet of the Corded Ware people," he said. "They were into yogurt and meat and cheese and things like that." Inference: This dietary evidence suggests that Corded Ware men married women from established agricultural areas in Europe, perhaps by force. [dkw- could easily suggest women farmed and men hunted]
Rathlin Island and Bronze Age notes. JXF and DW
On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 11:34 PM, Darrell White wrote:
An Update on Link sent about ICR and RC14
In 1994 John Morris of ICR wrote a book on the Age of the Earth called "The
Young Earth".
In it he explains (pages 64-67) how the amount of C14 built up from near zero
(basic creationist theory).
This is where the concept of expotential rather than linear conversion comes
from. It Must be somewhere on the Icr sites. If you search you will probably
find it.
As stated in prev. letter - most dates you work with from 2200 BC to 1760 BC
should translate adequately in linear form - so use your Chart-tables.
On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 11:53 AM, John hext-fremlinwrote:
Ok Darrell thanks for that info; however I'll do what you sugest but there is a
sticking point that I'm having problems with and that is the Rathlin Island
"Bronze age " date which I need to look up one more time before I complete
myreply to you. Problem I sometimes have with sending emails is they completely
vanish from pc screen so I'll do this right away then get back to you
From: John hext-fremlin
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2017 12:59 PM
To: Darrell White
Subject: Re: ICR
I can't find the "Bronze age " date for Rathlin Island right now but I think it
was of the order of 1534-2028 cal BC. There is something obviously wrong with
this conventional date that complecates things. I have to say again that the
Battle of Magithe was in 2025 BCand that Partholan wasthe first person to
colonise Ireland in 2035 BC (Ussher timeline) the 2028 date calibrated is nearly
the same as 2025 BC with 3 yrs diffrence. I have tosay that this idea is
nonsense as Partholan was the first to colonise. Seems like the 2200
conventional date covers Nemed and Britain Mael. There is ownly 440 years
diffrence between 2200 and 1760 BC;Thus Nemed was 1725 BC and Britain Mail 1755
BC 5 years less than 1760 BC to be exact. Perhaps the 1760 carbon date is a bit
offfor Nemed and Britain Mail I don't know.
Am I correct in assuming that 2500 BC in conventional terms is about 1900 BC in
Ussher chronology given that the village of Skara Brae was abandoned in 2025 BC
which is 2655 BC in conventional terms. What I basicly need to know Darrell (Yes
or No) is 2500 conventional dating =1900 BC as a crude guess? John
I went to the attic and found my old file folder on Egyptian chronology. The RC
dates noted and adjusted to Ussherian suggest it would take a lot of time to
I found an attempt I made at a conversion RC14 to Ussherian that I attempted -
don't even know if it is accurate.
It had Ussher 2200 BC as about 3000 BC RC14, Ussher 2100 BC as 2700 BC RC14,
Ussher 2000 BC as 2440 BC, and Ussher 1900 BC as RC14 2200 BC.
Then a note: Great Pyramid - Ussher 1925 to 1905 BC construction. No RC14 date
(it is stone) but Egyptian Chronology suggests Great Pyramid in 2600 BC. But
most old kingdom RC14 dates are thrown out since they don't fit Secular
chronology, so 2600 BC is not a RC14 date.
This is all I can do for now, hope it helps.
My next email will explain why I am to over loaded to help with your project at
this time.
From: John hext-fremlin
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2017 5:55 PM
To: Darrell White
Subject: Re: ICR
Hi Darrell yes that's absolutely fine for now although thed ate you gave me for
the founding and colonisation of Skara Brae Ussher 2189 BC and conventional
RC/14=3215 BC (I remember you actually advised me of that date) and its
abandonment in 2665 BC conventional =Battle of Magithe Cichol and Partholan
=2025 BC so these two dates if you like are written in "stone" I'm ok with 2000
BC Ussher = about 2440 BC Conventional at a crude guess plus the rest looks ok
but as you say will need to check them withmy graph. John
On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 7:17 PM, Darrell White wrote:
Been think and think the chart I found was a crude first attempt. should have
use 3200 BC rather than 3000 BC to match 2200 BC - but some Egyptian
Chronologist use 3000 BC as founding of Egypt other 3200 BC and some even 3300
BC. But these estimates by Seculars are seldom based on RC14 but linear
chronology via Manetho.
From: John hext-fremlin
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2017 7:54 PM
To: Darrell White
Subject: Re: ICR
That's absolutely fine Darrell, By the way 3300 BC is for the building of Babel
2234/2235BC. Interestingly Ootzy the iceman also overlaps and is contemporary
with this date. Interesting you should say linear chronology via manetho,
Perhaps that is what mine is although maybe I don't know it.
If there was BBc in Ireland sugest using 1960 BC if the Samothes groups
overlapped with Partholan after 2035 BC then at least we can speculate about it
so what do you reckon Darrell? / John
Appreciate your work and find it interesting. Trying to fit arch. digs and sites
with the Ussherian and Historical Records is indeed an interesting concept and a
This Fall I added to much to my research project (which does involve the study
of how time functions).
I do not know when my schedule will be back to normal, but it will be many
months at least. I know I must cut things out now.
During that time You should not expect any replies from me. If I get duplicate
emails sent to me, I will just stop reading all.
Not that I am not interested, I just that I can't handle it right now.
Best Wishes,
Ok Darrell I accept what you say to me so for now if it.s ok with you I will
have to leave the Irish history exactly as I have written it at my website and
will have toinsist as I still do that Partholan was the first co colonizer and
then Nemed 1725BC (Sugest late Neolithic/Early Bronze and the same with Britain
Mail Scotland 1755 BC) Sugest Nemed and Britain Mail may have been "BBC" as the
BBC time frame seems to fit these two dates quite nicely would'nt you aggree?)
The rest of the Bronze industry in Ireland as a whole is made up of the
Firbolgue Tuatha de danaan eb1 and the Milesians (Middle to Late Bronze) I will
make this email the last one for now however as part of this last email I will
send you the Irish timeline (The one you sent to me) and leave it at that for a
few months. Don't forget most of the archaeological Irish Bronze age is
post-post flood rapid ice age rapid meltdown post 1491 BC exactly as I have it
on the main industries chart (Chronology of Neolithic Man part 2) Best wishes
Darrell White
12/28/17 (10 days ago)
to me
An Update on Link sent about ICR and RC14
In 1994 John Morris of ICR wrote a book on the Age of the Earth called "The
Young Earth".
In it he explains (pages 64-67) how the amount of C14 built up from near zero
(basic creationist theory).
This is where the concept of expotential rather than linear conversion comes
from. It Must be somewhere on the Icr sites. If you search you will probably
find it.
As stated in prev. letter - most dates you work with from 2200 BC to 1760 BC
should translate adequately in linear form - so use your Chart-tables.
John hext-fremlin
12/29/17 (9 days ago)
to Darrell
Ok Darrell thanks for that info; however I'll do what you sugest but there is a
sticking point that I'm having problems with and that is the Rathlin Island
"Bronze age " date which I need to look up one more time before I complete
myreply to you. Problem I sometimes have with sending emails is they completely
vanish from pc screen so I'll do this right away then get back to you
On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 11:34 PM, Darrell White <>
An Update on Link sent about ICR and RC14
In 1994 John Morris of ICR wrote a book on the Age of the Earth called "The
Young Earth".
In it he explains (pages 64-67) how the amount of C14 built up from near zero
(basic creationist theory).
This is where the concept of expotential rather than linear conversion comes
from. It Must be somewhere on the Icr sites. If you search you will probably
find it.
As stated in prev. letter - most dates you work with from 2200 BC to 1760 BC
should translate adequately in linear form - so use your Chart-tables.
John hext-fremlin <>
12/29/17 (9 days ago)
to Darrell
I can't find the "Bronze age " date for Rathlin Island right now but I think it
was of the order of 1534-2028 cal BC. There is something obviously wrong with
this conventional date that complecates things. I have to say again that the
Battle of Magithe was in 2025 BCand that Partholan wasthe first person to
colonise Ireland in 2035 BC (Ussher timeline) the 2028 date calibrated is nearly
the same as 2025 BC with 3 yrs diffrence. I have tosay that this idea is
nonsense as Partholan was the first to colonise. Seems like the 2200
conventional date covers Nemed and Britain Mael. There is ownly 440 years
diffrence between 2200 and 1760 BC;Thus Nemed was 1725 BC and Britain Mail 1755
BC 5 years less than 1760 BC to be exact. Perhaps the 1760 carbon date is a bit
offfor Nemed and Britain Mail I don't know.
Am I correct in assuming that 2500 BC in conventional terms is about 1900 BC in
Ussher chronology given that the village of Skara Brae was abandoned in 2025 BC
which is 2655 BC in conventional terms. What I basicly need to know Darrell (Yes
or No) is 2500 conventional dating =1900 BC as a crude guess? John
On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 11:53 AM, John hext-fremlin <>
Ok Darrell thanks for that info; however I'll do what you sugest but there is a
sticking point that I'm having problems with and that is the Rathlin Island
"Bronze age " date which I need to look up one more time before I complete
myreply to you. Problem I sometimes have with sending emails is they completely
vanish from pc screen so I'll do this right away then get back to you
On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 11:34 PM, Darrell White <>
An Update on Link sent about ICR and RC14
In 1994 John Morris of ICR wrote a book on the Age of the Earth called "The
Young Earth".
In it he explains (pages 64-67) how the amount of C14 built up from near zero
(basic creationist theory).
This is where the concept of expotential rather than linear conversion comes
from. It Must be somewhere on the Icr sites. If you search you will probably
find it.
As stated in prev. letter - most dates you work with from 2200 BC to 1760 BC
should translate adequately in linear form - so use your Chart-tables.
Darrell White
12/29/17 (9 days ago)
to me
I went to the attic and found my old file folder on Egyptian chronology. The RC
dates noted and adjusted to Ussherian suggest it would take a lot of time to
I found an attempt I made at a conversion RC14 to Ussherian that I attempted -
don't even know if it is accurate.
It had Ussher 2200 BC as about 3000 BC RC14, Ussher 2100 BC as 2700 BC RC14,
Ussher 2000 BC as 2440 BC, and Ussher 1900 BC as RC14 2200 BC.
Then a note: Great Pyramid - Ussher 1925 to 1905 BC construction. No RC14 date
(it is stone) but Egyptian Chronology suggests Great Pyramid in 2600 BC. But
most old kingdom RC14 dates are thrown out since they don't fit Secular
chronology, so 2600 BC is not a RC14 date.
This is all I can do for now, hope it helps.
My next email will explain why I am to over loaded to help with your project at
this time.
Darrell White
12/29/17 (9 days ago)
to me
By linear here I might rather than overlapping dynasties as in my chronology
Speculation is always a good first step to finding fits. If an early BBC existed
in Ireland, which I don't concede, the it could have been some of the victors
who move into S. England and via land bridge at time, possible south eastern
Ireland as a remote possibility, but not as real colonizers.
So I reckon yes.
From: John hext-fremlin
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2017 7:54 PM
Darrell White
That's absolutely a brilliant idea so yes I'll go with that idea Darrell as a
good first step to finding fits and at least that way we have got something
positive to work with and yes crossing the landbridge at the time is indeed a
remote possibility so this gives us a very good and interesting thread. Dont
know why I did'nt think of it before. John
On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 8:13 PM, Darrell White wrote:
By linear here I might rather than overlapping dynasties as in my chronology
Speculation is always a good first step to finding fits. If an early BBC existed
in Ireland, which I don't concede, the it could have been some of the victors
who move into S. England and via land bridge at time, possible south eastern
Ireland as a remote possibility, but not as real colonizers.
So I reckon yes.
From: John hext-fremlin
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2017 7:54 PM
To: Darrell White
Subject: Re: ICR
That's absolutely fine Darrell, By the way 3300 BC is for the building of Babel
2234/2235BC. Interestingly Ootzy the iceman also overlaps and is contemporary
with this date. Interesting you should say linear chronology via manetho,
Perhaps that is what mine is although maybe I don't know it.
If there was BBc in Ireland sugest using 1960 BC if the Samothes groups
overlapped with Partholan after 2035 BC then at least we can speculate about it
so what do you reckon Darrell? / John
On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 7:17 PM, Darrell White wrote:
Been think and think the chart I found was a crude first attempt. should have
use 3200 BC rather than 3000 BC to match 2200 BC - but some Egyptian
Chronologist use 3000 BC as founding of Egypt other 3200 BC and some even 3300
BC. But these estimates by Seculars are seldom based on RC14 but linear
chronology via Manetho.
From: John hext-fremlin
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2017 5:55 PM
To: Darrell White
Subject: Re: ICR
Hi Darrell yes that's absolutely fine for now although the date you gave me for
the founding and colonisation of Skara Brae Ussher 2189 BC and conventional
RC/14=3215 BC (I remember you actually advised me of that date) and its
abandonment in 2665 BC conventional =Battle of Magithe Cichol and Partholan
=2025 BC so these two dates if you like are written in "stone" I'm ok with 2000
BC Ussher = about 2440 BC Conventional at a crude guess plus the rest looks ok
but as you say will need to check them withmy graph. John
On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 2:26 PM, Darrell White wrote:
I went to the attic and found my old file folder on Egyptian chronology. The RC
dates noted and adjusted to Ussherian suggest it would take a lot of time to
I found an attempt I made at a conversion RC14 to Ussherian that I attempted -
don't even know if it is accurate.
It had Ussher 2200 BC as about 3000 BC RC14, Ussher 2100 BC as 2700 BC RC14,
Ussher 2000 BC as 2440 BC, and Ussher 1900 BC as RC14 2200 BC.
Then a note: Great Pyramid - Ussher 1925 to 1905 BC construction. No RC14 date
(it is stone) but Egyptian Chronology suggests Great Pyramid in 2600 BC. But
most old kingdom RC14 dates are thrown out since they don't fit Secular
chronology, so 2600 BC is not a RC14 date.
This is all I can do for now, hope it helps.
From: John hext-fremlin
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2017 12:59 PM
To: Darrell White
Subject: Re: ICR
I can't find the "Bronze age " date for Rathlin Island right now but I think it
was of the order of 1534-2028 cal BC. There is something obviously wrong with
this conventional date that complecates things. I have to say again that the
Battle of Magithe was in 2025 BCand that Partholan wasthe first person to
colonise Ireland in 2035 BC (Ussher timeline) the 2028 date calibrated is nearly
the same as 2025 BC with 3 yrs diffrence. I have tosay that this idea is
nonsense as Partholan was the first to colonise. Seems like the 2200
conventional date covers Nemed and Britain Mael. There is ownly 440 years
diffrence between 2200 and 1760 BC;Thus Nemed was 1725 BC and Britain Mail 1755
BC 5 years less than 1760 BC to be exact. Perhaps the 1760 carbon date is a bit
offfor Nemed and Britain Mail I don't know.
Am I correct in assuming that 2500 BC in conventional terms is about 1900 BC in
Ussher chronology given that the village of Skara Brae was abandoned in 2025 BC
which is 2655 BC in conventional terms. What I basicly need to know Darrell (Yes
or No) is 2500 conventional dating =1900 BC as a crude guess? John
On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 11:53 AM, John hext-fremlin wrote:
Ok Darrell thanks for that info; however I'll do what you sugest but there is a
sticking point that I'm having problems with and that is the Rathlin Island
"Bronze age " date which I need to look up one more time before I complete
myreply to you. Problem I sometimes have with sending emails is they completely
vanish from pc screen so I'll do this right away then get back to you
On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 11:34 PM, Darrell White
An Update on Link sent about ICR and RC14
In 1994 John Morris of ICR wrote a book on the Age of the Earth called "The
Young Earth".
In it he explains (pages 64-67) how the amount of C14 built up from near zero
(basic creationist theory).
This is where the concept of expotential rather than linear conversion comes
from. It Must be somewhere on the Icr sites. If you search you will probably
find it.
As stated in prev. letter - most dates you work with from 2200 BC to 1760 BC
should translate adequately in linear form - so use your Chart-tables.
Rathlin Island ("Bronze age ")
From Mike
My estimates based on the linear JPG graph are (Conventional/Ussher): 2000 BC/1934 BC 2400 BC/1972 BC 2500 BC/1983 BC
Subject: The carbon date of 2000 and 2500 BC
From: John hext-fremlin
Dear Mike I have descovered what the conventional date of 2800 BC is in Ussher chronology. The BBC or Bell Beaker culture was in Germany (Trier 2000 years before Julius Caesar and Caesar bourne in 79 BC Thus the founding of Trier= 2079BC= 2800 BC in conventional terms. I have also descovered that the Bell Beaker phenomenon was a craze about pots and not people groups although I think the Phoenicians started seeling people groups bell shaped pottery so it was pots that spread and not people so much so likely tobe of diffrent ethnic groups so after the defeat of Albion in 2038 BC Darrell thinks that German Groups abd Netherlanders colonised Britain in 196o (2300 BC)
What are the carbon dates of 2000; 2400 and 2500 BC in Ussuer chronology/ John
Fri, Mar 30, 3:43 AM |
John, 1536-2024 Cal BC are outside the original point data you gave me to make the linear JPG graph, so rough extrapolation puts them at 1493-1744 BC Ussher. Mike |
Dear Mike it's great to hear from you for such a long time. However I had'nt given the Rathlin Island data much thought than of late as for being outside of the information for forming a linear graph; but Darrell has pointed out that some of the linear chronology could be based on Manetho, and thus your extrapolation of the Rathlin Island date1536-2024 cal BC is a most interesting case inpoint which deals with the Nemed and Firbolgue situation. Thus I would think that in conclusion as Darrell rightly says the "Bell Beaker" phenomenon was more about the movement of pots than people Groups. Thus I have a take from Darrell on the early "Bronnze age " of Britain and Europe from my web article "Re-evaluation of Ancient Man in Britain that I would like to share with you as I think the whole of that site makes very interesting reading so would enclose the attatched item with this email. John
I think Gunnar Heinson's date for the British Iron age or industry is about 600 BC. John
The Date of the Flood
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 1:14 PM, john hext-fremlin
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Emmet for my research purposes I need to strictly with the
>>>>>>>>>>>> greatest respect stick with Ussher's Biblical Chronology. As far as
>>>>>>>>>>>> flood of Noah is concerned I stick with the date 1656 annomundi or
2348 BC.
>>>>>>>>>>>> This must not be confused with the Venus catastrophe of the
>>>>>>>>>>>> Exodus ca 1491 BC where there was a rappid Ice age catastrophic
melt down.
>>>>>>>>>>>> According to my and Darrell White's timeline there was a flyby of
an ice
>>>>>>>>>>>> plannet that dumped it's astrolor celestial ice over the North and
>>>>>>>>>>>> poles at the time of the Babel despersion in 2191 BC and Babel
founded in
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2234 BC.
>>>>>>>>>>>> There was indeed another flyby in 1491 BC by the same plannet
>>>>>>>>>>>> assuming it to be Venus according to Velekovskey and indeed the
>>>>>>>>>>>> end of the post flood ice age where the landbridge of the North Sea
>>>>>>>>>>>> English channel were broken. Thus what happend in the year 23 March
687 BC
>>>>>>>>>>>> where I think Velekovskey refurs to this as the final catastrophe
of the ice
>>>>>>>>>>>> age and the landbridge is finally broken in 687 BC this is the
>>>>>>>>>>>> conundrem that refuses to go away and needs some answers.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The ownly solution to this problem in retrospect in conclusion
>>>>>>>>>>>> is that Velekovskey dated the Ice age to the time of the Exodus and
>>>>>>>>>>>> the Ice age with a collision of Venus with Mars in the month and
year of 23
>>>>>>>>>>>> March 687 BC. What is your solutiion to this conundrem Emmet in
light of thr
>>>>>>>>>>>> fact that this can have some serious consequences on revisionism.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2/ Dear Emmet interesting though it is; Is not Sir Isaac Newton
>>>>>>>>>>>> asking us to believe that the Pharoe of the Exodus was a supposed
>>>>>>>>>>>> Predynastic Pharoe and that they were not civilized untill 1121 BC?
I sugest
>>>>>>>>>>>> it is entirely dishonest ofNewton to cram everything into such a
>>>>>>>>>>>> chronology and that he does not with respect listen to what the
>>>>>>>>>>>> chroniclers have to say which have been established
archaeolologically and
>>>>>>>>>>>> uses his own preconceived ideas.
>>>>>>>>>>>> We know fromthe book of Genesis that Nimrod built a city in 2234
>>>>>>>>>>>> BC and is historicly correct. This means that some people groups
after the
>>>>>>>>>>>> Babel despersion in2191 BC kept their technology of metal working
in Bronze
>>>>>>>>>>>> and Iron while others lost it and plunged themselves like the
>>>>>>>>>>>> into the stone age cultures of the Palaeolithic and Neolithic &c
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3/. The Flood of Ducalion/Ogyges:-
>>>>>>>>>>>> Were not Ducalion and Ogyges onr and the same person? Darrell
>>>>>>>>>>>> and myself place this flood at the time of the Exodus in 1491 BC at
the end
>>>>>>>>>>>> of the post flood ice age which lasted 700 yre.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4/. Newton's Revised History of Ancient Kingdoms:-
>>>>>>>>>>>> a/. On the short chronology Larry Pierce and his wife Marion
>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierce have dated wandering cimerians and Scythians as cave men in
1121 BC
>>>>>>>>>>>> not long before the Tyrian Phoenicians came to Britain in 1013 BC.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierc has a slightly diffrent date for the despersion from Babel in
2242 BC
>>>>>>>>>>>> and admits these to be the Neanderthal/Cromagnon. These people came
from the
>>>>>>>>>>>> far side of the Black Sea and inhabbited the whole of Europe to
which I
>>>>>>>>>>>> would include Britain from 2242 BC to 1121 BC who had no written
>>>>>>>>>>>> This would date the Palaeolithic industries on the revised calander.
>>>>>>>>>>>> b/ The Neolithic/Copper Industry.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have identified Herculese Iyrian with your Herculese of 900
>>>>>>>>>>>> BC. So cna we say that 1013 BC to 900 BC would be the Neolith and
>>>>>>>>>>>> industries? was Sesostrice Herculese Egyptian and were the Tyrian
>>>>>>>>>>>> and the Egyptian Herculese one and the same person?
>>>>>>>>>>>> b/ The Bronze age in Britain 900 BC to 600 BC? (We need exact
>>>>>>>>>>>> dates and not just roud figures)
>>>>>>>>>>>> c/. Final Melt Down of Post Flood Ice Age Glaciers in Europe
>>>>>>>>>>>> Did this final catastrophe of the Venus encounter with Mars
>>>>>>>>>>>> finally end the ice age in Britain and Europe? And did the North
Sea and
>>>>>>>>>>>> English Channel finally make Britain an island? It seems to me that
on the
>>>>>>>>>>>> short and revised chronology in conclusion would have to be the
case. Then
>>>>>>>>>>>> what of the Attica Flood of Ogyges in 1491 BC at the Exodus? These
and many
>>>>>>>>>>>> more questions need answers Emmet.
>>>>>>>>>>>> d/. Iron industry 600 BC
>>>>>>>>>>>> e/.Stone Henge and the Great Pyramid built in 850 BC? Could not
>>>>>>>>>>>> the Neolithic people have built Stonehenge say 1013 BC?
>>>>>>>>>>>> f Are all mydates on the revised chronology for the stone bronze
>>>>>>>>>>>> and iron ages correct ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> G/ What Emmet is your date for the begginning and end of the
>>>>>>>>>>>> post flood rappid ice age? John
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Emmet can you address all the points I have made to try and
>>>>>>>>>>>> reeolve the problem to this conundrem as these questions need to be
>>>>>>>>>>>> seriously addressed.
>>>>>>>>> Revised History takes no account of Partholan's colonization of
>>>>>>>>> Ireland in 2035 BC which is 313 yrs after the flood (2348 BC) and also
>>>>>>>>> Brutus the Trojen in 1145 BC not to mention Hu Gadarn in 1365 BC. John
>>>>>>>> Emmet can you please give a response on the points I have made in
>>>>>>>> this email. John
Dear John,
Just got back from Crete.
Yes, you can put anything of mine you want on your website.
Stonehenge I believe was built a little later, probably between 800 and 750 BC.
I cannot accept the date of 687 BC for the destruction of
Sennacherib's army. I've outlined the reasons why in my "Ramessides,
Medes and Persians." Basically, the Neo-Assyrians must be identical to
the Persians, becuase in Mesopotamia Neo-Assyrian material occurs
directly underneath Hellenistic material - with no Persian material at
all! So, the Neo-Assyrians are the same as the Persians. Sennacherib
is the same person as Xerxes, who was defeated by the Greeks. His
debacle outside Jerusalem probably occurred around 477 BC.
For the same reason I cannot accpet any of the dates given by
Velikovsky in "Worlds in Collision" for the Mars catastrophes. As I
show in my website article "Venus of the Flood, Mars of the Exodus,"
the Venus catastrophes must have ended around 1050 BC. All the
catastrophes after that were Mars catastrophes. The Exodus itself, in
850 BC, was caused by Mars, not by Venus, as Velikovsky believed.
After 850 BC there were no significant cosmic catastrophes, although
massive earthquake activity continued till around 750 BC.
I'll try to go through your other queries tomorrow, as I'm very
pressed for time today. My website articles explain my position on
most issues.
Dear Emmet many thanks for this very interesting email. It certainly goes to resolve some of these perplexing conindrems and at somepoint we could establish maybe a discussion forum but let me say many thanks for your kindness in allowing me to show some of your material on my website.
Although at my website as you have no doubt already seen; my chronology is basicly the same as Bishop Ussher and like you hold with theidea of contemporart civilizations of stone copper bronze/iron and steel industries and that the terms palaeolithic and neolithic are confined to industries ownly. I would reject the term mesolithic as they were still hunter gatherers so should be labelled in my view as palaeolithic and neolithic confined to aggricultural people groups. I think you will find the details I have outlined in the other two or three emails quite interesting. John
Dear Emmet for my research purposes I need to strictly with the greatest respect stick with Ussher's Biblical Chronology. As far as the flood of Noah is concerned I stick with the date 1656 annomundi or 2348 BC.
This must not be confused with the Venus catastrophe of the Exodus ca 1491 BC where there was a rappid Ice age catastrophic melt down. According to my and Darrell White's timeline there was a flyby of an ice plannet that dumped it's astrolor celestial ice over the North and South poles at the time of the Babel despersion in 2191 BC and Babel founded in 2234 BC.
There was indeed another flyby in 1491 BC by the same plannet assuming it to be Venus according to Velekovskey and indeed the catastrophic end of the post flood ice age where the landbridge of the North Sea and English channel were broken. Thus what happend in the year 23 March 687 BC where I think Velekovskey refurs to this as the final catastrophe of the ice age and the landbridge is finally broken in 687 BC this is the biggest conundrem that refuses to go away and needs some answers.
The ownly solution to this problem in retrospect in conclusion is that Velekovskey dated the Ice age to the time of the Exodus and ended the Ice age with a collision of Venus with Mars in the month and year of 23 March 687 BC. What is your solutiion to this conundrem Emmet in light of thr fact that this can have some serious consequences on revisionism. John
On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Emmet Sweeney wrote:
Hi John,
I would place what is called the Great Flood maybe between 1500 and
1400 BC. That's when the Pleistocene fauna (mammoths etc) became
extinct. I believe modern man and Neanderthal man co-existed in Europe
and Asia before that time. In fact, they also co-existed after. There
is very good evidence to show that the satyrs and troglodytes of Greek
legend were Neanderthals, and there is abundant evidence to suggest
that they even survived in Central Asia into the 20th century. Some
"Alma" in the Altai Mountains were killed during the Russian
The "Ice Age" came immediately after the Great Flood, but did not last
a great length of time. No more than a century or so. Other, lesser
floods and Ice Ages followed around 1050 BC, (Tower of Babel
catastrophe), around 950 BC (Joseph's Famine in Egypt) and 850 BC (the
Exodus and also the final sinking of the Atlantis island).
Whilst Gunner is a brilliant thinker, I think he has gone a bit
extreme in his down-dating of events. It is clear, if you look at the
different races of humanity, that modern man has been around long
before 1500 BC. In fact, the modern races were established long before
that time. There were Caucasians (Clovis Man) in the Americas at that
time. I would imagine that modern man dates to anywhere between 4000
and 3000 BC.
Regarding technology, some settled life and pottery manufacture
existed even before the Flood. There was also some rudimentary
agriculture - thoug most settled communities were fishing communities.
The only great technical innovation before the Flood however was the
spear thrower, the atlatl. Immediately after the Flood, the bow and
the domestic dog appeared both in Europe and the Americas. Also the
first rudimentary metallurgy, mainly copper and gold. Temple, building
- small raised platforms - also appeared then. After the 1050 BC
catastrophe, temples became much higher, the first true pyramids, and
human sacrifice appeared. True bronze may have appeared first at that
time - though I'm not too sure. Writing appeared just before this time
in Mesopotamia and south-east Europe, and then spread to Egypt and
elsewhere. By 950 BC Britain began exporting products of true bronze
throughout Europe and the Middle East and the Phoenicians opened up
trading routes to the far west. However, there were other seafaring
powers around at this time, most especially the Berber-speaking
Atlaneans of North Africa and the Atlantic islands (around the
Azores). The latter folk controlled most of the western Mediterranean
as far as Malta, where their monuments can still be seen.
The power of the Atlanteans was destroyed by the Exodus catastrophe
around 850 BC, and it was then that the Minoan Cretans and Phoencians
became supreme in the Mediterranean. Iron was well-known at this time,
but was rarely used, as the smelting process was extremely labor
intensive and involved great cost. Still, some specialized tools were
made of hardened iron, steel, and these were worth their weight in
gold. Few have survived from this time because they were handed down
from father to son in artisan families. It was these artidans who
carved the granite and diorite statues of the Fourth Egyptian Dynasty.
Hope that answers some of your questions.